Food: Molten Chocolate Cake

You know Chili’s Molten Chocolate Cake? I’m sure this is not the same recipe but as per my taste tester, this version certainly tasted like Chili’s – only better. For someone who doesn’t bake, that made me proud of myself. 🙂 Why better? Well this recipe does not use flour so it’s way lighter than the Chili’s version. Also it’s made at home so it may not be the healthiest choice but at least I know exactly what’s in it and it’s a lot cheaper.

This recipe is by Anna Olson. I’ve seen it during her chocolate ganache episode and I thought hey, that’s not so difficult. Of course, my first batch was not successful as it had more molten chocolate than cake. I chilled the ganache longer, let the cake rest longer  and added a few more minutes to baking time and it resulted to a really successful batch.

Molten Centre Chocolate Cake



  • 1/4 cup whipping cream
  • 2 oz semisweet chocolate chips


  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, cut into smaller pieces
  • 4 oz semisweet chocolate chips
  • 2 large room temperature eggs
  • 2 large room temperature yolks
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • vanilla ice cream to top



  1. Heat the cream until it begins to simmer
  2. Pour cream over chocolate chips and let sit for a minute
  3. Stir with a spatula starting from the center and widening the circle until chocolate has melted and ganache is smooth
  4. Chill until firm, about 2-3 hours


  1. Preheat oven to 425 F
  2. Grease 5 oz ramekins and coat them with sugar. Shake of excess
  3. Melt the butter and chocolate in a metal bowl placed over a pot of gently simmering water. Stir until smooth then remove from heat
  4. In a separate bowl whip the eggs, yolks, sugar until they have doubled in volume – about 4 minutes
  5. Fold in the melted chocolate
  6. Sift the cocoa powder and fold in using beaters
  7. Divide batter between the 4 ramekins and chill for 15 minutes
  8. Spoon the chilled ganache into 4 truffles
  9. Gently place one truffle into the center in each of the cakes. Press down but not to the bottom of the ramekin
  10. Place ramekins on a baking pan
  11. Bake cakes for about 10 minutes or until the top of each cake has domed a little
  12. Let cakes sit for at least 2 minutes
  13. Lift each using a towel and run a spatula around the cake to loosen
  14. Place a plate overtop the ramekin, invert and lift ramekin
  15. Place a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top and enjoy!



Food: Nutella Truffles

I am again borrowing another Nutella recipe from http://www.pepper.ph/. I was trying to avoid 2 straight Nutella posts but that little jar called out wanting to be turned to truffles. Who am I to turn down a Nutella call? Luckily, all the ingredients are in my pantry!

I followed the original recipe at pepper.ph and if you love dark chocolate and Nutella, go to you pantry now and start assembling the ingredients! After taking my first bite, I smiled my happy smile and sank back to my couch. I got more dark chocolate flavor with the right hint of Nutella in every bite. I cannot believe how rich and smooth these truffles are! So go! Go now and make these!

Nutella Truffles


  • 1/4 cup dark chocolate (I only had unsweetened chocolate which is probably why I got more dark chocolate flavor than Nutella)
  • 1/4 cup Nutella
  • 1/4 cup cream
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • cocoa powder


  1. Put the chocolate, Nutella, cream and butter in a bowl.
  2. Place the bowl in a double boiler. Heat until melted.
  3. Transfer mixture to a glass container and chill for 2 hours.
  4. Form into bowls and dust with cocoa powder.
  5. Enjoy every bite!


  • If you don’t have a double boiler, boil some water and place bowl (preferably glass/metal) with ingredients on top of boiling water. Make sure that the bottom of the bowl does not touch the boiling water to prevent burning.
  • Instead of dusting the truffles with cocoa powder, I sprinkled some powder on a clean, dry surface and rolled the truffles.
  • Link to original recipe -> http://www.pepper.ph/nutella-truffles-for-when-you-tire-of-spoons/